Part Number | Description | DA | H | L | DD | ||||
Plastic Air Vent 16-19-25-32 mm | 16 - 19 - 25 - 32 MM | 163 MM | 85 MM | 8 MM |
Plastic syphon breaker for Boat Motors
The location of the cooling water injection point in the boat's exhaust is relevant, if it's less than 15 cm above the waterline, there's a possibility of cooling water entering the engine due to the siphon effect when the marine engine is turned off. To solve this issue, installing an syphon breaker in the cooling water duct, about 40 cm above the waterline is necessary. This bleeder is connected to a hull fitting through a pipe, always mounted above the waterline to allow excess water to be purged to the exterior. Supplied without hoses.