Solé 2 blades shaft fixed propellers

Crafted from manganese bronze, our two-blade fixed marine propellers for marine shafts are engineered to deliver superior performance. They feature both static and dynamic balancing, ensuring smooth and efficient operation. With a 1:10 taper, these propellers are ideal for those seeking to minimize resistance while sailing and enhance their on-water experience.

Scroll the table by dragging.
Part Number Description Ø ShaftDiameterPitchBARRotation
Propeller 2 Blades RH 330-220 25 MM13 IN9 IN30 %RH
Propeller 2 Blades RH 380-230 25 MM15 IN9 IN45 %RH
Propeller 2 Blades RH 380-260 30 MM15 IN10 IN45 %RH
Propeller 2 Blades RH. 330-220 25 MM13 IN9 IN30 %RH
Propeller 2 Blades RH. 370-210 25 MM15 IN8 IN30 %RH

Forms for propeller analysis and selection
