68 GTC generator installed in the Kapitan Borchardt sailboat

Generator sets for all types of boats such as luxury yachts, classic sailboats, commercial boats, charter boats, pilot boats or fishing boats. Consult any Solé Diesel authorised global point of sale without hesitation.  

Beautiful project on this training ship called Kapitan Borchardt. This 33-meter long schooner comes from Poland where it was used as a crew base during World War II. However, its origin is Dutch, since it was built in The Netherlands in 1918 under the name "Nora". Renamed several times later, this ship has served for multiple applications such as freighter, tourist activities and, finally, from the ‘80s onwards, as a training ship. It currently stops at different Spanish ports such as Alicante, Cartagena or Málaga, to train its students in different aspects of the nautical. In order to carry out its activity with total relief and autonomy, a 68 GTC generator set has been installed offering 68 kVA. The generator has a turbocharged six-cylinder engine block which delivers high power effortlessly with a relatively compact size. The soundproof housing version also offers comfortable navigation, alleviating the noise impact. Special thanks to the official distributor in Alicante, Náutica Solymar, for carrying out the installation and meet the owner’s and crew’s demands.

Solé Diesel distributor

Type de bateau Classique
Modèle STS Kapitan Borchardt
Longueur 33
Déplacement 0
Application Training ship
Remplacé New installation
Équipe installée 68 GTC
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Service Náutica Solymar

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